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The Lost Art of Softness

For conscious mothers who are struggling to let go of their masculine energy as a mother and wife

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Early Bird Sign Up

If you're here because you watched my live and you just know this is for you. I'm excited to have you and will have more details about this healing experience for you soon. 


You are here if: 

- You've felt called to heal your emotional pain so that you can feel safe being vulnerable 

- You are tired of being the "bigger person" 

- You're tired of trying to not look weak and stay strong. Which is what motherhood feels like right now for you, being too strong and feeling exhausted daily 

- Tired of always having to be "together" and "handle it" 


$111.11 Investment Plan Options (to be paid by 10/10):

Two payments of $55.55 by October 10th

$188.88 Investment Plan Options (to be paid by 10/17):

Three payments of $62.96 by October 17th

Start Date: October 19th (10/19)

Early Bird Investment: $111.11 (until 10/10)

Regular Price: $188.88

Delivery: Sent directly to your email 

I will be sending a follow up email 24/48 hours after purchase!

Investment plan presale price $111.11.

2 Payments of $55.55 to be paid by 10/10

GIVE IT TO ME! PIF $111.11

Investment plan full price $188.88. 

3 Payments of $62.96 to be paid by 10/17


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