The simple guide to internal peace and happiness in your life and marriage
Audio class recording below:
Below is your follow up work for the next week.
With each youtube body tapping video, I'd like you to incorporate this into your day to day.
Be intentional to find time to do this. Set an alarm. Do it when you wake up or before bed. You want to see these tools as work to help you on the emotional and nervous system level that's here to support what you already know and are aware of.
With the "sitting with discomfort" audio, you'll want to listen to this 3+ times a week. Very effective to listen to after you've been triggered or having a high emotional day.
With the journaling questions, I recommend taking your time to think on the answers as they will support you on this growth journey moving forward!
I'm very proud of you and happy you've chosen this journey. The emotional and nervous system work is simple yet effective. It takes time, intention, and grace for yourself as you're navigating awareness of yourself and your body in a different way.
Reflection/journaling prompts:
1. When my body feels a sensation that’s triggered by a thought or emotion, how do I find myself responding?
- do I feel out of control of the feeling?
- do I find myself trying to get rid of the feeling?
- do I find that the discomfort makes me fear what’s happening to me?
2. From question one, with the few sessions you’ve had, if you were to think on it, how do you feel the way you respond to these feelings and sensations contribute to how you’re able to do or not to the things you desire in your relationships and daily living?
3. If you were to think of how you’d like to feel with those sensations and feelings, how would you like to respond? And how would this different response impact what you do on a day to day?
4. When you think about your relationship with your body and the situations of the past, do you find there’s more clarity around how those situations took place and the reason they happened the way they did?
5. What do you find you resist most when it comes to sitting with your emotions? What makes you resist this? What can you work on to shift this?
6. From this class what do you feel you need next? What are you aware you're ready to shift, move forward into, create, and/or grow from?
Ready for the next step? Click the link below!