Let’s just be real f*cking honest here
Motherhood is the most challenging experience a woman can face outside of loss/death of someone we love
From the mental, physical, and emotional changes
To the spiritual changes
To the consistent changes of your body for 9+ months
To the hormonal changes
To your life being 95% different than it was before
It all happens what are first doesn’t seem to be quick but overtime, you realize it is
Going from only focusing on yourself to having to intentional focus on EVERYTHING you do, think, consume
And EVERYTHING about this one little being
Outside of you
You’re no longer on your own time
But their time
Their needs
And if you struggled with nurture and divine femininity before baby, it definitely shows up in many ways during this journey
Resisting the flow
Resisting the discomfort
Resisting the change
Resisting the sacrifice
Resisting the nurture
You begin to see where you were failed in receiving the love and support you need which triggers your inner child WHILE you’re trying to raise a child
THEN you think of all the things people may say or think about you and if you’re doing this or that right, which triggers all the emotional burdens women have carried for so long in this society to present a certain way from being outcasted or shamed
All while raising a whole damn human
Something you’ve never done before but are expected to get right on the first try
And when it doesn’t seem like you’re doing enough:
- guilt sets in
- shame sets in
- fear of asking for help sets in
- regret
- frustration
- anger
The good news, is there IS a way to handle this all with grace
There IS a way to experience all of the changes with an open heart and mind
There IS a way to love yourself and your baby through the experience
And there IS a way to stay connected and loving towards your partner
trust + surrender
trusting your divine purpose of being a mother and allowing this experience to TEACH you
Allowing yourself to surrender to being the STUDENT
You can be responsible and still be taught
You can be a provider and still be a student
Each day I try to intentionally show up to be a student of my life, learning ways that allow me to balance my experience and flow with what comes my way with the least resistance to change and discomfort as possible
Because both are inevitable in this lifetime
And both are a part of us and our human experience
You don’t have to be overly positive about your challenges
But you can flow with more ease and an observant mindset
Trust me, the outcome is glorious
This is your wake up call