The Sacred Healing Mother Society
Welcome Divine Healing Mother! I am truly honored to share this SACRED Healing Space with you!
Thank you for investing in your own healing, creating an energy exchange that allows us both to thrive and grow together. Thank you for trusting and investing in me. I really appreciate you and am honored to share this experience with you!
Here, I'm going to go over how this works. I wanted to take my exclusive material and wisdom off social media and create a space where women who are INTENTIONAL about healing, can access what I offer.
Each week I will upload more materials:
- EFT Tapping Videos
- Guided Meditations
- Classes, Recorded Video Material
- Journaling Prompts
- Healing Energy Circles
This is a space where each week we will have an intention and focus on something to actively grow through. On the Peanut platform is where we will come together and have weekly discussions, ask questions, and support one another.
On the Zoom platform is where we will have our sisterhood calls monthly (may do this biweekly down the road).
Of course any questions you have, know that I am here for you and here to support you as you heal.
Things to be CONSCIOUS of as you heal:
- The purpose of your questions or challenges. When you feel you're struggling or going through something that you want to lean in for support, ask yourself "what is the purpose of me asking this? What do I desire to receive from asking this question?" DO NOT HESITATE TO LEAN IN FOR SUPPORT, BUT simultaneously, be mindful and aware of how you're being led to lean in
- Remind yourself of your power and how you ARE capable of leading yourself through everything you face. In order to create a more loving and trusting relationship with yourself that's in a new direction, you must practice taking action in a way that makes you uncomfortable.
With that being said, I welcome you! Below you will access Healing Material and the INTENTION for this first week!
NEXT CALL: SISTERHOOD CONNECTION CALL will be Saturday 8/13 @ 1:00p ET.
Week 1 Healing Videos
Week 1 Healing Videos

Radical Self Love Live

EFT Tapping Video Emotions
Day 1 womb healing
Journal Prompts for this week
1. When you reflect on your motherhood journey, what do you feel has been the most challenging for you and why?

2. What do you notice about the way you interpret challenges and problems? How does this shape your reality and connection to motherhood? Your connection to self?

3. What are you most proud of when it comes to you and your awareness? Your power? Your persistence? Your desire? How can you celebrate yourself more this week?

Week 2 Healing Videos
Week 2 Healing Videos

Journal Prompts for this week
1. What is your relationship with judgment? How has it played a part in your identity and the way you view yourself and your reality?

2. FUTURE GRATITUDE JOURNALING. Think of what you desire to feel, experience, and heal. Write out how the things you desire as if you already have them. How it feels to have them, how your life is, how grateful you are. (I'd encourage doing this daily, it's a game changer)

3. What is the intention behind your inner reflection? How does it make you feel being a woman with this type of power and awareness?

Week 3 Healing Videos
Week 3 Healing Videos

EFT Tapping Video Emotions
Radical Self Love Live
Day 1 womb healing
Journal Prompts for this week
1. What makes you feel powerful? What makes you feel powerless?
What are ways you can feel powerful at all times?

2. FUTURE GRATITUDE JOURNALING. Think of what you desire to feel, experience, and heal. Write out how the things you desire as if you already have them. How it feels to have them, how your life is, how grateful you are. (I'd encourage doing this daily, it's a game changer)
And also, what do you think will shift for you if you start creating more acceptance around what is on a day to day?

3. What do you feel has been the biggest lesson you've learned over the past few weeks? What do you desire to know about your journey and yourself more moving forward this week?

Week 4 Healing Videos
Week 4 Healing Videos

Embodiment Live


Journal Prompts for this week
1. What do you feel makes healing the most challenging for you and why? When you face this challenge, how can you assure that you feel empowered versus powerless in these moments?

2. What have you learned about yourself and your relationship to motherhood over this past month? What do you feel you want to focus on moving forward?
3. What is your healing mantra? Think of a powerful mantra that embodies your healing journey energy. A mantra that you can say to yourself daily to help you feel confident, loved, and safe?