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7 Days of surrendering control to experience more peace, self love, and connection to your femininity and emotional power

What You Will Receive:

On this 7 day journey you will be guided and supported with:


Mama Mantras Audios + Script that are intentionally created to be used as word magic, speaking life and the power of change over your life


Guided Meditations that can be played at anytime throughout your day to help you ground deeper into yourself, helping you to create a more intentional connection to yourself, your ancestors, and Mother Earth so that you can use the power of your support team to create this impactful change and healing (up to 7 minutes per meditation)


Daily Writing/Thinking Prompts to help you create more awareness around the power of your thoughts, energy, emotions, and actions. These prompts are here to really help you think outside the box and create a more trusting relationship with yourself


EFT Tapping Videos to alternate with throughout your 7 Day Journey


This has been created to be done at your own pace but I highly encourage you to do it 7 days consecutively to get the full experience of noticing the shifts day after day



Over the next week, you will be on a journey of surrendering the need for control. Surrendering fear and lack that keep us from aligning deeply with patience, understanding, and support for our own big emotions and our child’s big emotions. 


This experience is to help you to actively (with the tools provided daily) practice being mindful of your inner child when triggered and the challenges that arise when it comes to not being able to handle emotional challenges with grace and patience for yourself and your child 

You will gain a connection to your vulnerability, seeing that as a power rather than a weakness 


This experience will allow you to find more inner peace within your motherhood experience, allowing you to feel more powerful and comfortable regulating your own emotional well being and help your children as well

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Cost for experience:

Pricing: $57 for Mothering Surrender 7 Day Experience

Link to begin will be sent directly to you after purchase! 

Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Access Mothering Surrender!

Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!


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